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Nazwa użytkownika: Hasło: Zapamiętaj mnie

emo TEMAT: Chciałbym zaprogramować atak a'la orochi

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TEMAT: Chciałbym zaprogramować atak a'la orochi 

2017/03/24 15:47 Chciałbym zaprogramować atak a'la orochi #263
Tych ataków jest więcej niż jeden ale wkleję tylko jeden.
Ogólnie atak wygląda tak:
name = "Mu Ni Kaerou"
command = ~D, DF, F, D, DF, F, x
time = 20

;Mu Ni Kaerou
[State -1, Mu Ni Kaerou]
type = ChangeState
value = 2000
triggerall = !var(59)
triggerall = command = "Mu Ni Kaerou"
triggerall = Power >= 1000
trigger1 = statetype != A
trigger1 = ctrl
trigger2 = stateno = 200
trigger3 = stateno = 210
trigger4 = stateno = 215 && movecontact
trigger5 = stateno = 230 && movecontact
trigger6 = stateno = 240 && movecontact
trigger7 = stateno = 245 && movecontact
trigger8 = stateno = 300 && movecontact
trigger9 = stateno = 400 && movecontact
trigger10 = stateno = 410 && movecontact
trigger11 = stateno = 430 && movecontact
trigger12 = stateno = 440
trigger13 = stateno = 1035 && movecontact
trigger14 = stateno = 1030 && movecontact
trigger15 = stateno = 1000 &&time>0
trigger16 = stateno = 1010 &&time>0

;Mu Ni Kaerou
[Statedef 2000]
type     = S
movetype = A
physics  = S
juggle   = 0
poweradd = 100
velset   = 0,0
anim     = 2000
ctrl     = 0

[State 1]
type = removeexplod
trigger1 = time = 0
ID = 1031

[state 1000]
type = nothitby
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA

[State 3100, 21]
type = Helper
triggerall = prevstateno = 1030 || prevstateno = 1035 || prevstateno = 1000 || prevstateno = 1010
trigger1 = time = 0
helpertype = normal
name = "Super Cancel"
ID = 8500
stateno = 8500
pos = 0,0
postype = left
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
supermovetime = 9999
pausemovetime = 9999
size.xscale = 1
size.yscale = 1
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 2000, ]
type = SuperPause
trigger1 = time = 0
anim = -1
poweradd = -1000
movetime = 32
time = 32

[State 100, EnvColor]
type = EnvColor
trigger1 = Time = [2,4]
value = 255,255,255
time = 1
under = 1

[State 2000]
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = Time = [0,80]
flag = NoFG
flag2 = NOBG
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 2000]
type = Explod
trigger1 = time = 5
anim = 7200
pos = 6,-130
sprpriority = -39
ownpal = 1
bindtime = 1
supermove = 1

[State 2000]
type = Explod
trigger1 = time = 12
anim = 7210
pos = 6,-130
sprpriority = 20
ownpal = 1
bindtime = 1
supermove = 1

[State 1000, NotHitBy]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = Time = [0,40]
value = SCA

[State 1000, ]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = time = 5
value = s9,0

[State 1000, ]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = time = 0
value = s10,0

[State 1000, ]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = time = 27
value = s10,7

[State 1000, ]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = time = 25
value = s12,8
persistent = 9
channel = 0
volume = 255

[State 1112,1 Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = time = 30
anim = 2002
id = 2002
sprpriority = -1
postype = back
pos = 1,0
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
removeongethit = 1
supermove = 1
pausemove = 1

[State 200, ]
type = HitDef
triggerall = p2statetype != A
trigger1 = time = 31
trigger2 = time = 36
trigger3 = time = 41
trigger4 = time = 46
trigger5 = time = 51
trigger6 = time = 56
trigger7 = time = 61
attr = A, HP
damage = 10,15
animtype = Hard
guardflag = M
hitflag = MAF
priority = 9, Hit
pausetime = 0,0
getpower = 50,2
sparkno = s4025
guard.sparkno = s4120
sparkxy = -10,-70 + (floor(p2bodydist Y))
hitsound = -1
guardsound = s2,1
ground.type = hard
ground.slidetime = -20
ground.hittime  = 15
ground.velocity = 0
air.velocity = -5,-7
fall.recover = 0

[State 1000, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = time = 40
helpertype = normal
name = "Light"
stateno = 2010
pos = 0,0
postype = back
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1

[State 1000, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 90
trigger2 = win
value = 2001
ctrl = 0
[Statedef 2001]
type = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 2001
velset = 0,0

[State 1000, RemoveExplod]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = win
id = 2002

[State 1000, StopSnd]
type = StopSnd
trigger1 = win
channel = 0

[State 1000, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
;Light Helper
[Statedef 2010]
type = A
movetype = A
physics = N
anim = 2010
velset = 0,0
juggle = 0
poweradd = 0
ctrl = 0
sprpriority = 5

[State 3110, 2]
type = BindToParent
trigger1 = 1
facing = 0
pos = 0,0

[State 1000, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = time = 0
helpertype = normal
name = "Colicion"
stateno = 2021
pos = 0,0
postype = back
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1

[State 1000, Helper]
type = Helper
triggerall = numhelper(9910) <= 0
triggerall = parent,numhelper(9910) <= 0
trigger1 = winKo = 1 && movehit
helpertype = normal
name = "KO Flash"
Id = 9910
stateno = 9910
pos = 0,0
postype = p1
facing = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
supermove = 1
pausemove = 1
pausemovetime = 99999
supermovetime = 99999
ownpal = 1

[State 1000, NotHitBy]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = Time = [0,40]
value = SCA

[State 1000, Pause]
type = Pause
triggerall = P2stateno = 5030
triggerall = time = [0,100]
trigger1 = p2movetype = H
time = 1
movetime = 1
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 200, ]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = time = 5
trigger2 = time = 10
trigger3 = time = 15
trigger4 = time = 20
trigger5 = time = 25
trigger6 = time = 30
trigger7 = time = 35
attr = A, HP
damage = 53,18
animtype = Hard
guardflag = M
hitflag = MAF
priority = 9, Hit
pausetime = 0,0
getpower = 70,2
sparkno = s4025
guard.sparkno = s4120
sparkxy = -15,-95 + (floor(p2bodydist Y))
hitsound = -1
guardsound = s2,1
ground.type = hard
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime  = 10
ground.velocity = 0
air.velocity = -5,-7
fall.recover = 0

[State 200, ]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = time = 40
attr = A, HP
damage = 50,10
animtype = diagup
guardflag = M
hitflag = MAF
priority = 9, Hit
pausetime = 0,0
getpower = 60,2
sparkno = s4025
guard.sparkno = s4120
sparkxy = -15,-95 + (floor(p2bodydist Y))
hitsound = -1
guardsound = s2,1
ground.type = hard
ground.slidetime = 0
ground.hittime  = 10
ground.velocity = -7,-8
air.velocity = -5,-7
fall.recover = 0
fall = 1
guard.pausetime = 10,10
guard.slidetime = 18
guard.hittime = 15

[State 1000, DestroySelf]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = parent,stateno != 2000
persistent = 0
[StateDef 2021]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle  = 0
velset = 0,0
ctrl = 0
anim = 2021
poweradd = 0

[State 3110, 2]
type = BindToParent
trigger1 = 1
facing = 0
pos = 30,-70

[state 1000]
type = nothitby
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA

[state 1000]
type = hitby
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA,NP,SP

[state 1000]
type = hitoverride
trigger1 = 1
attr = SCA,NP,SP
stateno = 2021
ignorehitpause = 1

[state 1000, destroyself]
type = destroyself
trigger1 = time = 60
persistent = 0

[Begin Action 2000]
180,0, 0,0, 3, 
180,1, 0,0, 3, 
180,2, 0,0, 3, 
180,3, 0,0, 3, 
2000,0, 0,0, 3, 
2000,1, 0,0, 15, 
Clsn1Default: 1
  Clsn1[0] = -17, -133, 53, -37
2000,2, 0,0, 3, 
2000,3, 0,0, 2, 
2000,4, 0,0, 1, 
2000,5, 0,0, 1, 
2000,6, 0,0, 1, 
2000,7, 0,0, 1,

[Begin Action 2001]
Clsn2: 1
  Clsn2[0] = -15, -122, 16, -14
2000,8, 0,0, 9, 
Clsn2: 1
  Clsn2[0] = -15, -122, 16, -14
2000,9, 0,0, 7, 
Clsn2: 1
  Clsn2[0] = -15, -122, 16, -14
2000,10, 0,0, 7, 
Clsn2: 1
  Clsn2[0] = -15, -122, 16, -14
2000,11, 0,0, 7,

[Begin Action 2002]
2104,0, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,1, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,2, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,3, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,4, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,5, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,6, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,7, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,8, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,9, 0,0, 40, , A
2104,8, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,7, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,6, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,5, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,4, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,3, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,2, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,1, 0,0, 2, , A
2104,0, 0,0, 2, , A

[Begin Action 2010]
Clsn1: 1
  Clsn1[0] = -999, -1000, 1001, 1000
-1,-1, 0,0, 1,

[Begin Action 2021]
Clsn2: 1
  Clsn2[0] = -1000, -1000, 1000, 1000
-1,-1, 0,0, 1,
Tak jak widać atak polega na 2 stanach dla postaci, 2000 rozpoczęcie i 2001 zakończenie ataku. W stanie 2000 jest atak ciałem postaci tak w razie czego, wywoływany jest helper 2010 z animacją 2010 która jak widać służy do ataku na dużym obszarze i jest też wywoływany helper 2021 i on służy do "zebrania" ataków na postać, czyli np. jak by ktoś puścił jakiś pocisk to ten helper powinien go rozbić itd.
Zapis np. sparkno = s4025 albo guard.sparkno = s4120 oznacza numer animacji przy trafieniu HitDefem a literka "s" oznacza że to animacja z pliku AIR postaci. Bez tej literki Mugen użyje animacji ze swojego fightfx.air.

Większość kodu to efekty i przygotowanie do połączeń między innymi atakami, po obcięciu wyglądało to będzie mniej więcej tak:
;Mu Ni Kaerou
[State -1, Mu Ni Kaerou]
type = ChangeState
value = 2000
triggerall = command = "Mu Ni Kaerou"
triggerall = Power >= 1000
trigger1 = statetype != A
trigger1 = ctrl

;Mu Ni Kaerou
[Statedef 2000]
type     = S
movetype = A
physics  = S
juggle   = 0
poweradd = 100
velset   = 0,0
anim     = 2000
ctrl     = 0

[state 1000]
type = nothitby
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA

[State 2000, ]
type = SuperPause
trigger1 = time = 0
anim = -1
poweradd = -1000
movetime = 32
time = 32

[State 2000]
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = Time = [0,80]
flag = NoFG
flag2 = NOBG
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 1000, NotHitBy]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = Time = [0,40]
value = SCA

[State 1112,1 Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = time = 30
anim = 2002
id = 2002
sprpriority = -1
postype = back
pos = 1,0
bindtime = -1
ownpal = 1
removeongethit = 1
supermove = 1
pausemove = 1

[State 200,]
type = HitDef
triggerall = p2statetype != A
trigger1 = time = 31
trigger2 = time = 36
trigger3 = time = 41
trigger4 = time = 46
trigger5 = time = 51
trigger6 = time = 56
trigger7 = time = 61
attr = A, HP
damage = 10,15
animtype = Hard
guardflag = M
hitflag = MAF
priority = 9, Hit
pausetime = 0,0
getpower = 50,2
sparkno = s4025
guard.sparkno = s4120
sparkxy = -10,-70 + (floor(p2bodydist Y))
hitsound = -1
guardsound = s2,1
ground.type = hard
ground.slidetime = -20
ground.hittime  = 15
ground.velocity = 0
air.velocity = -5,-7
fall.recover = 0

[State 1000, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = time = 40
helpertype = normal
name = "Light"
stateno = 2010
pos = 0,0
postype = back
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1

[State 1000, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 90
trigger2 = win
value = 2001
ctrl = 0
[Statedef 2001]
type = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 2001
velset = 0,0

[State 1000, RemoveExplod]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = win
id = 2002

[State 1000, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
;Light Helper
[Statedef 2010]
type = A
movetype = A
physics = N
anim = 2010
velset = 0,0
juggle = 0
poweradd = 0
ctrl = 0
sprpriority = 5

[State 3110, 2]
type = BindToParent
trigger1 = 1
facing = 0
pos = 0,0

[State 1000, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = time = 0
helpertype = normal
name = "Colicion"
stateno = 2021
pos = 0,0
postype = back
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1

[State 1000, NotHitBy]
type = NotHitBy
trigger1 = Time = [0,40]
value = SCA

[State 1000, Pause]
type = Pause
triggerall = P2stateno = 5030
triggerall = time = [0,100]
trigger1 = p2movetype = H
time = 1
movetime = 1
ignorehitpause = 1

[State 200, ƒqƒbƒg’č‹`]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = time = 5
trigger2 = time = 10
trigger3 = time = 15
trigger4 = time = 20
trigger5 = time = 25
trigger6 = time = 30
trigger7 = time = 35
attr = A, HP
damage = 53,18
animtype = Hard
guardflag = M
hitflag = MAF
priority = 9, Hit
pausetime = 0,0
getpower = 70,2
sparkno = s4025
guard.sparkno = s4120
sparkxy = -15,-95 + (floor(p2bodydist Y))
hitsound = -1
guardsound = s2,1
ground.type = hard
ground.slidetime = 20
ground.hittime  = 10
ground.velocity = 0
air.velocity = -5,-7
fall.recover = 0

[State 200, ƒqƒbƒg’č‹`]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = time = 40
attr = A, HP
damage = 50,10
animtype = diagup
guardflag = M
hitflag = MAF
priority = 9, Hit
pausetime = 0,0
getpower = 60,2
sparkno = s4025
guard.sparkno = s4120
sparkxy = -15,-95 + (floor(p2bodydist Y))
hitsound = -1
guardsound = s2,1
ground.type = hard
ground.slidetime = 0
ground.hittime  = 10
ground.velocity = -7,-8
air.velocity = -5,-7
fall.recover = 0
fall = 1
guard.pausetime = 10,10
guard.slidetime = 18
guard.hittime = 15

[State 1000, DestroySelf]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = parent,stateno != 2000
persistent = 0

[StateDef 2021]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle  = 0
velset = 0,0
ctrl = 0
anim = 2021
poweradd = 0

[State 3110, 2]
type = BindToParent
trigger1 = 1
facing = 0
pos = 30,-70

[state 1000]
type = nothitby
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA

[state 1000]
type = hitby
trigger1 = 1
value = SCA,NP,SP

[state 1000]
type = hitoverride
trigger1 = 1
attr = SCA,NP,SP
stateno = 2021
ignorehitpause = 1

[state 1000, destroyself]
type = destroyself
trigger1 = time = 60
persistent = 0
Witaj, zarejestruj się lub zaloguj jeżeli chcesz odpisać w temacie.

emo TEMAT: Chciałbym zaprogramować atak a'la orochi

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