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Zmiany w postaci [Mugen 1.0]

Plik DEF

  • W grupie [Info] dodano mugenversion.
  • W grupie [Info] dodano localcoord. Mugen zgodnie z wpisem LocalCoord który informuje o rozdzielczości, przeskaluje rozdzielczość obiektu odpowiednio do rozdzielczości Mugena.
  • Dodano grupę [Palette Keymap].

Plik kfm720.def

; Player information
name = "Kung Fu Man 720"    ;Name of character
displayname = "Kung Fu Man" ;Name of character to display
versiondate = 09,30,2009    ;Version of character (MM-DD-YYYY or X.XX)
mugenversion = 1.0          ;Version of M.U.G.E.N character works on (X.XX)
author = "Elecbyte"         ;Character author name
pal.defaults = 1,2,3,4      ;Default palettes in order of preference (up to 4), numbering starts from 1
localcoord = 1280,720       ;Local coordinate space width and height

; Maps character selection buttons to palette numbers.
[Palette Keymap]
x = 1 ;Press button X to select palette 1, etc.
y = 2
z = 3
a = 4
b = 5
c = 6
;x2 = 7 ;Hold Start and press button X for palette 7, etc.
;y2 = 8
;z2 = 9
;a2 = 10
;b2 = 11
;c2 = 12

Plik CNS

  • W kontrolerze stanu HitDef znajdź pausetime i dodaj 1 do tego czasu, zmiana wynika z poprawki w Mugenie 1.0.
  • Jeżeli w postaci nadpisujesz stan [Statedef 5900], dodaj kontroler stanu RemapPal. Możesz skopiować go z pliku common1.cns.
  • W grupie [Data] parametr volume zamieniono na volumescale. Parametr volume jest ignorowany, volumescale skaluje głośność 100 = 100%.
  • W kontrolerze stanu PlaySnd, parametr volume zamieniono na volumescale. Parametr volume jest ignorowany, volumescale skaluje głośność 100 = 100%.
  • Dodano funkcję StageVar sprawdzającą na jakiej arenie się walczy.
  • Dodano funkcję AILevel sprawdzającą AI (sztuczną inteligencję).
  • Dodano funkcję GameWidth i GameHeight.
  • Znajdź funkcję GetHitVar(zoff), zmień wartość na 0, lub zmień zapis triggerów.
  • W kontrolerze stanu AssertSpecial dodaj linię ignorehitpause=1 jeżeli flaga to: nostandguard, nocrouchguard, noairguard, noautoturn, noshadow, nojugglecheck, nowalk, unguardable, invisible.
  • W kontrolerze stanu HitDef znajdź snap, mindist i maxdist i usuń oś Z z zapisu jeżeli się tam znajduje, np.: snap = 40, -10, 0, -1 zamień na snap = 40, -10, -1.
  • Znajdź funkcję Vel Z, zmień wartość na 0, lub zmień zapis triggerów.
  • Znajdź funkcję Pos Z, zmień wartość na 0, lub zmień zapis triggerów.
  • W stanie w grupie [Statedef ...] znajdź parameter velset i usuń oś Z z zapisu, np.: jeżeli istnieje zapis velset = 0,0,0 zamień na velset = 0,0.
  • Znajdź funkcję HitDefAttr i popraw jeżeli jest źle zapisana. Poprawny zapis: HitDefAttr <operator> <tekst_1>, <tekst_1_2>. Gdzie operator to: =, !=, tekst_1 to: typ ataku SCA, tekst_1_2 to: rodzaj ataku. Zły zapis HitDefAttr = SC zmień na HitDefAttr = SC, NA, SA, HA.
  • Dodano grupę [Quotes] ze zwycięskimi cytatami.
  • W grupie [Velocity] dodano nowe wpisy.
  • W grupie [Movement] dodano nowe wpisy.

Plik kfm720.cns

life = 1000 ;Amount of life to start with
power = 3000
attack = 100 ;attack power (more is stronger)
defence = 100 ;defensive power (more is stronger)
fall.defence_up = 50 ;Percentage to increase defense everytime player is knocked down
liedown.time = 60 ;Time which player lies down for, before getting up
airjuggle = 15 ;Number of points for juggling
sparkno = 2 ;Default hit spark number for HitDefs
guard.sparkno = 40 ;Default guard spark number
KO.echo = 0 ;1 to enable echo on KO
volume = 0 ;Volume offset (negative for softer)
volumescale = 100 ; Volume scale 100 = 100% **MUGEN 1.0**
;Variables with this index and above will not have their values
;reset to 0 between rounds or matches. There are 60 int variables,
;indexed from 0 to 59, and 40 float variables, indexed from 0 to 39.
;If omitted, then it defaults to 60 and 40 for integer and float
;variables repectively, meaning that none are persistent, i.e. all
;are reset. If you want your variables to persist between matches,
;you need to override state 5900 from common1.cns.
IntPersistIndex = 60
FloatPersistIndex = 40

walk.fwd  = 9.6      ;Walk forward
walk.back = -8.8     ;Walk backward
run.fwd  = 18.4, 0   ;Run forward (x, y)
run.back = -18,-15.2 ;Hop backward (x, y)
jump.neu = 0,-33.6   ;Neutral jumping velocity (x, y)
jump.back = -10.2,-33.6 ;Jump back Speed (x, y)
jump.fwd = 10,-33.6     ;Jump forward Speed (x, y)
runjump.back = -10.2,-32.4 ;Running jump speeds (opt)
runjump.fwd = 16,-32.4    ;.
airjump.neu = 0,-32.4     ;.
airjump.back = -10.2      ;Air jump speeds (opt)
airjump.fwd = 10          ;.
air.gethit.groundrecover = -.6,-14    ;Velocity for ground recovery state (x, y) **MUGEN 1.0**
air.gethit.airrecover.mul = .5,.2     ;Multiplier for air recovery velocity (x, y) **MUGEN 1.0**
air.gethit.airrecover.add = 0,-18     ;Velocity offset for air recovery (x, y) **MUGEN 1.0**
air.gethit.airrecover.back = -4       ;Extra x-velocity for holding back during air recovery **MUGEN 1.0**
air.gethit.airrecover.fwd = 0         ;Extra x-velocity for holding forward during air recovery **MUGEN 1.0**
air.gethit.airrecover.up = -8         ;Extra y-velocity for holding up during air recovery **MUGEN 1.0**
air.gethit.airrecover.down = 6        ;Extra y-velocity for holding down during air recovery **MUGEN 1.0**

airjump.num = 1      ;Number of air jumps allowed (opt)
airjump.height = 140 ;Minimum distance from ground before you can air jump (opt)
yaccel = 1.76         ;Vertical acceleration
stand.friction = .85  ;Friction coefficient when standing
crouch.friction = .82 ;Friction coefficient when crouching
stand.friction.threshold = 8          ;If player's speed drops below this threshold while standing, stop his movement **MUGEN 1.0**
crouch.friction.threshold = .2        ;If player's speed drops below this threshold while crouching, stop his movement **MUGEN 1.0**
air.gethit.groundlevel = 100          ;Y-position at which a falling player is considered to hit the ground **MUGEN 1.0**
air.gethit.groundrecover.ground.threshold = -80 ;Y-position below which falling player can use the recovery command **MUGEN 1.0**
air.gethit.groundrecover.groundlevel = 40   ;Y-position at which player in the ground recovery state touches the ground **MUGEN 1.0**
air.gethit.airrecover.threshold = -4  ;Y-velocity above which player may use the air recovery command **MUGEN 1.0**
air.gethit.airrecover.yaccel = 1.4    ;Vertical acceleration for player in the air recovery state **MUGEN 1.0**
air.gethit.trip.groundlevel = 60      ;Y-position at which player in the tripped state touches the ground **MUGEN 1.0**
down.bounce.offset = 0, 80            ;Offset for player bouncing off the ground (x, y) **MUGEN 1.0**
down.bounce.yaccel = 1.6              ;Vertical acceleration for player bouncing off the ground **MUGEN 1.0**
down.bounce.groundlevel = 48          ;Y-position at which player bouncing off the ground touches the ground again **MUGEN 1.0**
down.friction.threshold = .2          ;If the player's speed drops below this threshold while lying down, stop his movement **MUGEN 1.0**

;Default language victory quotes **MUGEN 1.0**
;The default language victory quotes must be implemented in English.
; Up to 100 victory quotes can be specified per language (victory0 - victory99)
victory1 = "You must defeat Tu Shou to stand a chance."
victory2 = "You need a lot of training. Come back in ten years."
victory3 = "You look familiar. Did I see you on TV?"
victory4 = "Your moves are too predictable. You want to learn Kung Fu Palm? It's not for novices."
victory5 = "That was a good workout."
victory6 = "I want to challenge more skilled fighters."
victory7 = "What do you mean my girlfriend is in another temple?"

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