Strona 4 z 9
Zmiany w arenie [Mugen 1.1]
- W grupie [Camera] dodano tensionhigh i tensionlow, jeżeli zostaną użyte Mugen ignoruje parametry verticalfollow i floortension.
- W grupie [Camera] dodano startzoom.
- W grupie [Camera] dodano zoomin i zoomout.
- W grupie [Shadow] dodano xshear.
Plik stage0-720.def
[Camera] ... tensionhigh = ;This is the vertical distance a player can get from the top edge before the camera starts to follow. tensionlow = ;This is the vertical distance a player can get from the bottom edge before the camera starts to follow. ;If tensionhigh and tensionlow are specified, verticalfollow and floortension will be ignored. ... ;Zoom startzoom = 1 ; This specifies the initial scale factor for the stage. zoomin = 1 ; This specifies the scale factor for the stage when the camera is fully zoomed in. zoomout = 1 ; This specifies the scale factor for the stage when the camera is fully zoomed out. ... [Shadow] ... xshear = 0 ; Specifies the amount of horizontal shearing to apply to the shadow. ...